此一資料集為農業部生物多樣性研究所 Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, MOA ; TBRI (原 特有生物研究保育中心 Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, TESRI)應用社群網站-臉書(Facebook)成立社團-「慕光之城—蛾類世界(」,邀集對蛾類有興趣的網友加入,並鼓勵加入的網友分享蛾照及拍照地點和日期的資料,特生中心的蛾類科普推廣團隊則使用Access開發資料庫程式將蛾友分享的資料逐筆建檔。該社團成立於2010年11月,迄2024年8月已建檔資料達651,453筆。每筆資料除有日期、海拔高度、經度、緯度等時空分布資料及分類群鑑定結果外,均有一張蛾照作為引證照片,團隊並應用這些資料開發一網站「台灣飛蛾資訊分享站(」,提供各界查詢及下載查詢結果。 This dataset is from the Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, MOA (Ministry of Agriculture); TBRI (formerly known as the Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, TESRI). They established a Facebook group called "City of Moths - Moth World (" to engage and invite internet users interested in moths to join. They encouraged the members to share moth photos along with the location and date of the sightings. The specialized team at the Endemic Species Research Institute used Access to develop a database program to archive the data shared by moth enthusiasts. This group was established in November 2010, and as of August 2024, they have archived 651,453 records. Each record includes information such as date, altitude, longitude, latitude, and taxonomic identification results, along with a moth photograph serving as reference. The team also utilized this data to create a website called the "Taiwan Moth Information Sharing Site (" to provide various users with the ability to query and download search results.
Data Records
The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 670,904 records.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.
How to cite
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
Researchers should respect the following rights statement:
The publisher and rights holder of this work is Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: e0b8cb67-6667-423d-ab71-08021b6485f3. Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility.
Occurrence; Taiwan; Lepidoptera; Social Network; Citizen Science; null; tesri; null; Occurrence,Taiwan Lepidoptera; Occurrence; Observation
- Metadata Provider ●
- Originator ●
- Point Of Contact
- Metadata Provider
Geographic Coverage
Bounding Coordinates | South West [19.062, 114.741], North East [27.722, 127.397] |
Taxonomic Coverage
Kingdom | Animalia (動物界) |
Phylum | Arthropoda (節肢動物門) |
Class | Insecta (昆蟲綱) |
Order | Lepidoptera (鱗翅目) |
Family | Erebidae (裳蛾科) |
Genus | Erebus (目裳蛾屬) |
Species | Erebus albicincta obscurata (玉邊目裳蛾) |
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date | 1989-05-10 / 2024-12-13 |
Project Data
此一資料集為特有生物研究保育中心(Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute, TESRI)應用社群網站-臉書(Facebook)成立社團-「慕光之城—蛾類世界(」,邀集對蛾類有興趣的網友加入,並鼓勵加入的網友分享蛾照及拍照地點和日期的資料,特生中心的蛾類科普推廣團隊則使用Access開發資料庫程式將蛾有分享的資料逐筆建檔。該社團成立於2011年4月,迄2017年12月已建檔資料超過17萬筆。每筆資料除有日期、海拔高度、經度、緯度等時空分布資料及分類群鑑定結果外,均有一張蛾照作為引證照片,團隊並應用這些資料開發一網站「台灣飛蛾資訊分享站(」,提供各界查詢及下載查詢結果。
Title | Taiwan Mont Occurrence Data Collected From Social Network (應用社群網站彙聚台灣蛾類時空分布資料) |
Funding | 本計畫之經費主要為特有生物研究保育中心執行第四階段電子化政府計畫。 |
Study Area Description | 台灣本島及鄰近離外島,包括金門、馬組、綠島、蘭嶼、龜山島、小琉球、東沙等。 |
Design Description | 應用社群網站-臉書(Facebook)成立社團-「慕光之城—蛾類世界(」,邀集對蛾類有興趣的網友加入,並鼓勵加入的網友分享蛾照及拍照地點和日期的資料,特生中心的蛾類科普推廣團隊則使用Access開發資料庫程式將蛾有分享的資料逐筆建檔。 |
The personnel involved in the project:
- Author
- Author
Sampling Methods
Study Extent | 本資料集的資料是由加入臉書社團「慕光之城—蛾類世界(」的網友於不定期在不特定點拍照後將照片上傳至社團,並提供拍照日期和地點,函蓋之空間為台灣本島及鄰近離外島,包括金門、馬組、綠島、蘭嶼、龜山島、小琉球、東沙等,時間範圍 |
Quality Control | 資料建檔時除觀察日期外,其它如資料提供者、科、屬、種、地點等均採用下拉式選單,以提高輸入效率及減少輸入錯誤。另也開發台灣飛蛾資訊分享站網站,除可以提供各界查詢外,也可以檢視是否有錯,例如輸入學名可列出全部鑑定為同一學名的照片,如有錯誤極容易被檢出,又如使用Google Map出圖檢視坐標是否正確,另呈現於網頁的每筆資料均有回報資料內容的按鈕,任何使用者均可以回報該內容是否正確。 |
Method step description:
- 成立社團、以Access開發資料庫、辦理多項推廣行銷網站的活動鼓勵網友加入並分享蛾照及時空資料、號召資深蛾友協助鑑定蛾種、逐筆建檔、開發網站分享資訊及檢核資料。
Additional Metadata
Alternative Identifiers | e0b8cb67-6667-423d-ab71-08021b6485f3 |
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