Sampling event

The Survey Data of Benthic Diatoms in Anping historical waterview park

Версия 1.5 опубликована Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute 21 ноября 2018 г. Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
Дата публикации:
21 ноября 2018 г.
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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The dataset provide the records of benthic diatoms attached on the diatom boards which were set on the artificial floating islands (AFIs) established on seawater in Anping Historical Waterview Park in Tainan, Taiwan. Diatoms were cultured with diatom boards and sampled four times from October to December of 2017. A total of 45 diatom species belonging to 22 genera were identified. Among them, the Navicula genus has the largest richness, and Achnanthes subsessilis and Nitzschia longissima were the dominant species in number.

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Lee L (2018): The Survey Data of Benthic Diatoms in Anping historical waterview park. v1.5. Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute. Dataset/Samplingevent.


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Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: a0998d3b-4a7f-4add-8044-299092d9c63f.  Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility.

Ключевые слова

Artificial Floating Island; diatoms; sampling event; Samplingevent


Li-hua Lee
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact

Географический охват

The Anping Historical Waterview Park in Tainan, Taiwan, (120°15'21.81'' E, 22°00'00.84'' N) served as the sampling location for this study. The park has a water area of approximately 6 km² and water depth of 3 m. The southern portion of the park is connected to the Anping harbor area and the Tainan Canal; the northern portion comprises the Yanshui River basin and estuary.

Ограничивающие координаты Юг Запад [20,565, 119,707], Север Восток [25,324, 123,223]

Таксономический охват

Описание отсутсвует

Genus Achnanthes, Achnanthidium, Planothidium, Nitzschia, Psammodictyon, Biddulphia, Amphora, Cocconeis, Campylosira, Diploneis, Encyonema, Licomophora, Gyrosigma, Haslea, Navicula, Seminavis, Plagiotropis, Pleurosigma, Gomphonemopsis, Skeletonema, Cyclotella, Thalassiosira

Временной охват

Период формирования The sampling processes were conducted on October 23, October 31, November 20, and November 30, 2017, with the culture period being 7, 15, 35, and 45 days, respectively.

Данные проекта

Описание отсутсвует

Название The Survey Data of Benthic Diatoms in Anping historical waterview park

Исполнители проекта:

Li-hua Lee
  • Point Of Contact

Методы сбора

1.Culture of benthic diatoms Eight diatom boards (transparent acrylic boards measuring 15 × 15 cm²) were placed on each of the three AFIs on October 16, 2017. Subsequently, sampling processes were conducted on October 23, October 31, November 20, and November 30, 2017, with the culture period being 7, 15, 35, and 45 days, respectively. 2.Sampling of benthic diatoms On each sampling date, two of the diatom boards were removed from the AFIs; specifically, a total of six boards were retrieved on each sampling session. The retrieved boards were covered with tin-foil paper for shading, after which they were sent to the laboratory under refrigeration. The benthic diatoms were then scraped off using toothbrushes. 3.Sampling of planktonic diatoms For comparison with the benthic diatoms, this study sampled the water near the Historical Waterview Park regions in which the diatom boards were placed. The collected water samples were subjected to centrifugation, acid washing, and fixation in the laboratory. Subsequently, observation and identification processes were conducted on the water samples.

Охват исследования The Anping Historical Waterview Park in Tainan, Taiwan, (120°15'21.81'' E, 22°00'00.84'' N) served as the sampling location for this study.

Описание этапа методики:

  1. All the diatom fluids were first concentrated in a centrifugal machine for 10 minutes at 3,500 rpm; the fresh diatoms were then observed using a differential interference contrast microscope. Subsequently, acid washing was conducted using concentrated sulfuric acid, after which observation and identification processes were performed using an electron microscope.

Библиографические ссылки

  1. 1.Round F. E., Crawford R. M. and D.D. Mann. 1996. The diatoms, biological and morophology of the genera. Published by Camberidge Univ. Press. 2.Wu J. T., Babu B., Chou C. L. and S. J. Saraswathi. 2011. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Taiwan. Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica.

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Альтернативные идентификаторы a0998d3b-4a7f-4add-8044-299092d9c63f