

Version 1.1 Publié par Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF) le 9 mai 2023 Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF)

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This information is the 109-110 Zengwen Xikou Important Wetland (International Level) Ecological and Water Quality Basic Survey Plan.

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Chiu Y (2023): taijiang_national_park_mollusca_2020-2021. v1.1. Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility (TaiBIF). Dataset/Checklist.


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Checklist; Mollusca; Taijiang National Park


Yuh-Wen Chiu
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Associate Professor
National Chiayi University
Ya-Fan Ho

Couverture géographique

The data are mainly investigated in Taijiang National Park.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [22,889, 120,02], Nord Est [23,191, 120,208]

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2020-01-01 / 2021-12-31

Données sur le projet

This multidisciplinary project is an extension of the project on the marine biological organisms’ resource survey and conservation in Taijiang National Park from 2016 to 2019. In the four-year study, the marine organisms have been thoroughly investigated to establish a species list. A total of 891 species have been recorded including 664, 45, 136, 27, and 19 species of fish, shrimp, crab, snail and clam, and cephalopods, respectively. These composed 21%, 11%, 17%, 1% and 18% of the same category of Taiwan species respectively. In the park area, more than 300 seafood species are harvested. They support the livelihood of local residents, wildlife and fishermen. There are always huge conflicts between the development of aquaculture, fishing in the lagoon and its adjacent waters by local people, eco-tourism activities, and conservation. Therefore, this has become the major mission for the Taijiang National Park administrators to tackle. Our project intends to build a bridge to solve these conflicts by helping the administrators and local people to seek a possible way to achieve sustainable development through our science, social, economic, management, environmental system analysis, education and political research. Following the Future Earth mission issued by the United Nations with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this project will aim to achieve SDGs 13 and 14 following the steps of Co-Design (Goal and problem framing), Co-Product (Producing new knowledge), and Co-Delivery (Bringing results to fruition) to establish the strategy for the sustainability development of Taijiang National Park. The main goals of this 3-year project are to: (1) establish the maximum allowable catch size and amount, as well as the allowable fishing gear and seasons for the major seafood species, (2) estimate the potential diet fish for the Chinese White Dolphin in the coastal waters off Taijiang National Park, (3) understand the impact of climate change on cultured oysters due to filling up of the lagoon, (4) use the engagement of local people to establish the adaptation strategy in Chiku lagoon, (5) reveal the food sources of water birds and build up the food web of the wetland, (6) understand the fishermen’s fishing behavior related to oyster culture and their socioeconomic structure for its sustainability development, (7) clarify the entangled legal status in relation to the administration of the Taijiang National Park area, (8) build up a conflict-solving mechanism for sustainable development in the park, (9) collect the stakeholders’ opinions to understand the needs of the local people, and build them into the system analysis to form the policy, and (10) study the response to environmental education by visitors for the sustainability of knowledge.

Titre 台江國家公園之永續發展i
Identifiant 111-2621-M-110-002
Financement National Science and Technology Council
Description du domaine d'étude / de recherche Taijiang National Park

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Yuh-Wen Chiu
  • Auteur

Méthodes d'échantillonnage


Etendue de l'étude Ecological survey in Taijiang National Park
Contrôle qualité The data is stored in the offline local host, and all data steps are saved for version control and data storage. In addition, Synology NAS will also be used to share folders with planners. It is expected that the setting data can be recalled 15 times. In order to avoid the problem of incorrect data modification, important investigations will restrict users and only open to data owners. If data is accidentally deleted or other problems lead to data loss, the built-in software can also be used to save the data back.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Different research units and organizations have different plans. Referring to the structures of De Montfort University, Edith Cowan University and the European Language Resources Association, it is mainly through confirming the scope of data, management plans and data types, and then setting files, and then Set data and data security and standards, carry out data concatenation and analysis, save, share and upload research data, and finally enable research data to be searched, analyzed and reused. In addition, the research framework collects and manages relevant data of the Taijiang Integrated Project DMP, which will be divided into ecological data and socio-economic data, which will be uploaded to the platform for openness

Métadonnées additionnelles