In this study, planktonic diatoms were sampled in Sinfong mangrove forest in Hsinchu County. A total of 65 genera and 136 species of diatoms were identified, among which 15 species of Nitzschia were the most diverse.
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Lee L (2023): Survey Data of Diatoms in Sinfong Mangrove. v1.8. Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute. Dataset/Samplingevent.
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Samplingevent; diatom; planktonic; Hsinfong Mangrove
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Couverture géographique
Sinfong mangrove forest is located along the southern and northern riverbank of Sinfong River, Sinfong Township, Hsinchu County. It has an area of approximately 4.3 ha. In 2017, the Urban and Rural Development Branch, Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the Interior, announced the national status of the Sinfong Important Wetland, which mainly encompassed Sinfong mangrove forest within the Sinfong River basin.
Enveloppe géographique | Sud Ouest [20,759, 118,652], Nord Est [27,059, 125,332] |
Couverture taxonomique
Pas de description disponible
Genus | Achnanthes (曲殼藻屬), Achnanthidium (細曲殼藻屬), Actinocyclus (輻環藻屬), Actinoptychus (輻襇藻屬), Amphora (雙眉藻屬), Aulacoseira (溝鏈藻屬), Azpeitia (心孔藻屬), Bacillaria (矽藻屬), Berkeleya, Biremis, Campylosira (鞍鏈藻屬), Chaetoceros (角毛藻屬), Cocconeis (卵形藻屬), Coscinodiscus (圓篩藻屬), Cosmioneis, Craticula (格形藻屬), Cyclophora, Cyclotella (小環藻屬), Cylindrotheca (筒柱藻屬), Cymbella (橋彎藻屬), Delphineis, Denticula (細齒藻屬), Diadesmis (鼓藻屬), Dimeregramma (中斷藻屬), Diploneis (雙壁藻屬), Encyonopsis, Entomoneis (繭型藻屬), Eucampia (彎角藻屬), Fallacia (偽形藻屬), Fragilaria (脆杆藻屬), Gomphoneis (異楔藻屬), Gomphonema (異極藻屬), Hobaniella, Humidophila, Luticola (泥生藻屬), Melosira (直鏈藻屬), Minidiscus (小盤藻屬), Navicula (舟形藻屬), Nitzschia (菱形藻屬), Odontella (齒狀藻屬), Petrodictyon, Pinnularia (羽紋藻屬), Planothidium (平面藻屬), Pleurosigma (斜紋藻屬), Pseudofrustulia, Pseudo-nitzschia (擬菱形藻屬), Punctastriata, Rhaphoneis (縫舟藻屬), Rhizosolenia (根管藻属), Sellaphora (鞍形藻屬), Seminavis (彎雙眉藻屬), Skeletonema (骨條藻屬), Stauroneis (輻節藻屬), Stephanodiscus (冠盤藻屬), Surirella (雙菱藻屬), Tabularia, Thalassionema (海線藻屬), Thalassiosira (海鏈藻屬), Tryblionella (盤杆藻屬), Tryblioptychus (褶盤藻屬), Ulnaria, Gyrosigma (布紋藻屬), Halamphora (鹽生雙眉藻屬), Hantzschia (菱板藻屬), Hippodonta (蹄形藻属) |
Couverture temporelle
Date de début / Date de fin | 2017-05-01 / 2017-12-31 |
Méthodes d'échantillonnage
During the sampling period, 500ml of water samples were collected from each sampling points and taken back to the laboratory for observation and identification.
Etendue de l'étude | The two sampling points were St1 and St2. St1 was located within the mangrove forest and St2 was located by the riverbank of Sinfong River on the edge of the mangrove forest. Both sampling points were tidal sections. |
Contrôle qualité | For diatom identification, a number of manuals were used (Taylor et al. 2007, Wu et al. 2011). Valid diatom taxon names were according to Guiry and Guiry (2022). |
Description des étapes de la méthode:
- Samples were collected from habitat.
- The samples were acid-wash treatment for identification.
- Photograph the samples with an electron microscope.
Citations bibliographiques
- Guiry M.D. and G. Guiry. 2022. AlgaeBase: World-Wide Electronic Publication. Accessed on: 2022-3-15.
- Taylor, J.C., Harding, W.R. and Archibald C.G.M., 2007. An illustrated Guide to Some Common Diatom Species from South Africa; WRC Report No. TT 282/07, Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.
- Wu J.T., B. Babu, C.L. Chou and S.J. Saraswathi. 2011. Freshwater Diatom Flora of Taiwan. Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica.
Métadonnées additionnelles
Identifiants alternatifs | 6bd0551c-f4e9-4e85-9cec-6cefae343234 |
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