Survey and Conservation Strategy of the Freshwater Fish Resources in Rivers, Lakes and Ponds of Taiwan

Sampling event
Latest version published by Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA) on Jan 28, 2025 Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)

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The primary goal of this study is to assess the current status of freshwater fish species and natural ecosystems in Taiwan. The research aims to compile reports and literature related to freshwater fish in lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, and offshore islands of Taiwan. From 2009, a three-year comprehensive survey on freshwater fish resources will be conducted, along with the evaluation and analysis of freshwater fish species for inclusion in the Red List. The study will also involve drafting and publishing the Red List, integrating data from supplementary field resource surveys, and establishing a database on the current status of the Red List and related freshwater fish ecological information.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Chen I (2025). Survey and Conservation Strategy of the Freshwater Fish Resources in Rivers, Lakes and Ponds of Taiwan. Version 1.0. Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA). Samplingevent dataset.


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The publisher and rights holder of this work is Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

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This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 9b5577ee-34f9-4d09-9ce2-c70fd03ee6cd.  Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA) publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility.


Samplingevent; Observation; Freshwater; Fish


I-Shiung Chen
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University
Kwang-Tsao Shao
  • Point Of Contact
Retired researcher
Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica
Chyng-Shyan Tzeng
  • Point Of Contact
Department of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University
The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan
  • Originator
Juridical Association
The Ichthyological Society of Taiwan
Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, MOA
  • Originator
Government Agency
Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, MOA
Hsi Chen
  • Distributor

Geographic Coverage

The geographic scope of this dataset covers Taiwan Island, Green Island, Orchid Island, and Kinmen. 此資料集的地理範圍涵蓋台灣本島、綠島、蘭嶼和金門。

Bounding Coordinates South West [21.979, 118.316], North East [25.281, 121.988]

Taxonomic Coverage

All freshwater fish were identified to species. 所有淡水魚皆被鑑定到物種層級。

Order Cypriniformes, Beloniformes, Perciformes, Synbranchiformes, Gasterosteiformes, Mugiliformes, Anguilliformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Siluriformes
Family Cichlidae, Synbranchidae, Loricariidae, Eleotridae, Ambassidae, Kuhliidae, Bagridae, Mugilidae, Terapontidae, Cobitidae, Balitoridae, Ophichthidae, Rhyacichthyidae, Poeciliidae, Anguillidae, Adrianichthyidae, Channidae, Gerreidae, Syngnathidae, Clariidae, Osphronemidae, Siluridae, Gobiidae, Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2009-01-19 / 2010-12-21

Project Data

Our study focused on the investigation of fish in the rivers in Taiwan, we had divided all the Taiwanese rivers into five geographic areas. The aim of conducting this project was to have the better understanding on the fish resources and the distribution of the fish existed in Taiwan. Moreover, in accordance with the invasion of exotic species which may endanger the original species, on the other hand, the conservation and preservation recommendations were proposed in the purpose to maintain the biological ecosystem at the rivers in Taiwan. Upon the completion of the midterm survey, survey on the fish resources in 73 sampling sites had been completed. Total amount of 4291 individuals which consist of 20 families and 77 species were recorded. Among that, 1962 individuals consist of 16 families and 67 species were belonged to the native species. While, the others 329 individuals (6 families and 10 species) were exotic species. From our survey, Sinogastromyzon nantaiensis which belongs to the class III of protected animal had been recorded. Besides that, according to the previous literatures and investigation data, the survival of certain original species such as Anguilla bicolor pacifica, Onychostoma alticorpu, Gobiobotia cheni, Aphyocypris kikuchii, Pseudobagrus adiposalis, Rhinogobius delicates, Lentipes armatus, Stiphodon atropurpureus, Stiphodon percnopterygionus, Schismatogobius ampluvinculus, Schismatogobius roxasi and Mugilogobius myxodermus, Channa maculata had also been threatened. In recent years, habitat destruction and the invasion of exotic species had affect the survival and habitat of the biological species in the river. Our survey results also to show there are serious problem for exotic species in northern and western Taiwan. 本計畫的野外實地調查作業,根據地理位置及溪流特性將台灣本島的溪流劃分成 5 個地理區系,並針對各地理區系內的溪流進行魚類調查,以期了解台灣地區溪流現有魚類資源、種類與分布料。針對外來種的入侵現況以及稀有原生種淡水魚的瀕危程度,提出保育建議,以維護台灣溪流現有的淡水魚類生態資源。 本年度(2010)調查總共完成 73 個樣站的溪流魚類資源現況調查,共記錄到 20 科 77 種共 4291 尾魚類。其中屬於原生種的魚類有 16 科 67 種 3962 尾,屬於外來引入種的則有 6 科 10 種 329 尾。本階段的調查除了調查記錄到屬於第 III 類其他應予保育之野生動物的南台中華爬岩鰍(Sinogastromyzon nantaiensis)外,另外根據以往的文獻記錄、過去野外調查以及本階段的調查等資料,歸納及整理出一些生存較易受到威脅的原生或特有種魚類,如太平洋雙色鰻(Anguilla bicolor pacifica)、高身白甲魚(Onychostoma alticorpus)、陳氏鰍鮀(Gobiobotia cheni)、菊池氏細鯽(Aphyocypris kikuchii)、脂鮠(Pseudobagrus adiposalis)、細斑吻鰕虎(Rhinogobius delicatus)、棘鱗裂唇鯊(Lentipes armatus)、紫身枝牙鰕虎(Stiphodon atropurpureus)、黑鰭枝牙鰕虎(Stiphodon percnopterygionus)、寬帶裸身鰕虎(Schismatogobius ampluvinculus)、羅氏裸身鰕虎(Schismatogobius roxasi)、黏皮鯔鰕虎(Mugilogobius myxodermus)、斑鱧(Channa maculata)等魚種的分布與資源現況,及提出相對應的保育策略。 近年來因為溪流環境的破壞及外來魚種的入侵等影響,導致某些溪流魚類的生存受到持續的威脅。本階段的調查結果也反應出全台溪 流受到外來魚種入侵的現況,在 5 個地理區中以代表北部地區的第 II 區及代表中南部地區的第 III 區最為嚴重,而以代表恆春半島的第 IV 區最輕微。而東部溪流原生淡水魚種則主要是受到來自台灣西部溪流所引入的異域引入外來魚種之威脅。

Title 臺灣淡水域湖泊野塘及溪流魚類資源現況調查計畫簡介
Identifier 行政院農業委員會林務局委託研究系列 99-00-8-01 號
Funding Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency, Ministry of Agriculture 行政院農業委員會林務局
Study Area Description The geographic coverage includes lakes, ponds, and streams on Taiwan's main island, Green Island, Orchid Island, and Kinmen. The temporal range from 2009 to 2010. 地理範圍包括台灣本島、綠島、蘭嶼和金門的湖泊、池塘和溪流。 時間範圍從 2009 年到 2010 年。
Design Description This project aims to assess the current status of freshwater fish resources, species diversity, and distribution in Taiwan's freshwater ecosystems, including lakes, ponds, and streams on Taiwan's main island and offshore islands such as Green Island, Orchid Island, and Kinmen. The survey design divides Taiwan's main island into five geographic regions based on their location and stream characteristics. Systematic field investigations are conducted within these regions to gather comprehensive data on fish populations, including native and alien species. Field surveys include collecting ecological data on freshwater fish species, their habitats, and photographs for identification purposes. Photographs include male and female morphological differences, while specimens of extinct species or detailed explanations are provided when applicable. Over the course of three years (2009–2011), the project combines field survey results with past literature and reports to produce a comprehensive Red List of Taiwan's freshwater fish species. This includes detailed conservation assessments for rare or endemic species and their threats, such as habitat destruction and alien species invasions. Conservation strategies are proposed to mitigate the impacts of alien species, aiming to preserve Taiwan's freshwater fish biodiversity and establish a robust ecological database for future reference. The project's outcomes include an electronic and printed Red List and a database for freshwater fish ecology and distribution. 本計畫旨在評估台灣淡水生態系中魚類資源的現況、物種多樣性及分布範圍,包括台灣本島的湖泊、野塘與溪流,以及離島如綠島、蘭嶼和金門的相關水域。研究設計將台灣本島根據地理位置與溪流特性劃分為五個地理區域,並在各區域內進行系統性的野外調查,以蒐集有關魚類族群(包含原生種與外來種)的全面數據。 野外調查的內容包括收集淡水魚類物種的生態數據、棲地資料以及供鑑定用的照片,照片需包含雄性與雌性在形態上的差異;若涉及已滅絕的物種,則提供標本照片或詳細說明(若無標本照片)。在三年的調查期間(2009–2011年),本計畫結合野外調查結果及過去的文獻與報告,編制台灣淡水魚類的完整紅皮書,內容包括對稀有或特有魚種的保育評估及其威脅因素(如棲地破壞與外來種入侵)的詳細分析。 本計畫提出相應的保育策略,以減輕外來種對台灣淡水魚類生態的影響,致力於維護台灣淡水魚類的生物多樣性,並建立一個完善的生態資料庫供未來參考。計畫成果包括電子版與紙本的紅皮書,以及涵蓋淡水魚類生態與分布的資料庫。

The personnel involved in the project:

  • Originator
  • Originator
  • Originator
  • Originator
  • Originator
  • Originator
  • Originator
  • Originator

Sampling Methods

Collection Methods for Freshwater Fish Various methods are used to collect freshwater fish, including shoreline observations, snorkeling, netting, trapping, electrofishing, and angling. Among these, electrofishing and cast netting have been the most widely adopted in recent years due to their high efficiency and convenience for shallow waters within 1 meter from the shore. In slow-flowing or still water habitats like lakes and ponds, additional methods such as fish trapping are often required for more comprehensive fish community surveys. Angling, which introduces significant selection bias, is not recommended as part of the standard field operating procedures. In 2010, the primary method for stream habitat surveys was electrofishing, supplemented with other listed methods when necessary. Survey Methods 1. Shoreline Observation and Hand Netting 2. Snorkeling Observation 3. Cast Netting 4. Trapping (Fish Traps) 5. Electrofishing Observing Fish Reproductive Behavior Using shoreline observation and snorkeling, the study records the spawning and courtship behavior of dominant fish species, as well as the appearance of larvae and juveniles. These observations contribute to understanding reproductive traits and provide crucial references for future freshwater fish conservation and reproductive biology studies. Measuring Hydrological and Environmental Factors The study records substrate characteristics to analyze their relationship with species occurrence frequency. Three sampling points are selected within the survey area to measure: - Water Temperature (using a Conductivity Meter) - Conductivity (using a Conductivity Meter) - Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) (using WTW-LF330) - Turbidity (using a Turbidity Meter, AQUALYTIC PC Compact) - pH (using a pH Meter, Suntex TS-1) These measurements help establish the relationship between water quality parameters and fish community distribution. 使用溪流淡水魚類野外調查標準作業流程 淡水魚類之採集方法有許多種不同的方式,包括於溪流、河川、湖泊及野塘的岸邊觀察、浮潛觀測、網捕法、誘捕法、電魚法及垂釣法等屬於台灣水域較具有代表性的方法,其中以「電魚法」與「手投網網捕法」為近年來,最常被使用之採集法,因為於沿岸1 m淺的水體之內,具有高效率的捕獲率及便利性,但是在湖泊及野塘等緩流或靜水域的棲地環境中,則要多加輔以其它的採捕方式,特別是「魚籠誘捕法」才能具備更完整之魚類群聚調查。其中垂釣法對調查魚種選擇度較有明顯偏差,因此暫不列入野外標準作業流程之建議方法。2010年度調查以溪流的棲地為主,大多採用「電魚法」進行淡水魚類生態調查的主要方法,並將再視情況輔以其它所列出之採捕方式進行。 採集方式 1. 岸邊觀察及手抄網採集 2. 浮潛觀測法 3. 網捕法(手投網) 4. 誘捕法(魚籠誘捕法) 5. 電魚法 觀察魚類繁殖期 利用沿岸及浮潛觀察的方式,瞭解野外現地的優勢魚類野生族群之仔稚魚出現期以及魚類求偶或產卵繁殖行為之記錄,以為能推算其特定魚種的繁殖特性,作為未來淡水魚類生態保育工作,與其之生殖生物學的重要參考依據。 測定水文環境因子 記錄調查棲所的底質環境特性,並瞭解物種出現頻度與底質特性的相互關系。於調查樣區中,任選水表層之三個採樣點,以 Conductivity Meter測量現場的1水溫( Water Temperature)、導電度 ( Conductivity)、總懸浮固體量( TDS,WTW-LF330);並以濁度計來測量水中濁度值 ( Turbidity, AQUALYTIC PC Compact);以 pH Meter測量酸鹼值( pH,Suntex TS-1)等水質環境因子。

Study Extent The geographic coverage includes lakes, ponds, and streams on Taiwan's main island, Green Island, Orchid Island, and Kinmen. The temporal range from 2009 to 2010. 地理範圍包括台灣本島、綠島、蘭嶼和金門的湖泊、池塘和溪流。 時間範圍從 2009 年到 2010 年。

Method step description:

  1. Survey Methods 1. Shoreline Observation and Hand Netting In clear water environments, direct shoreline observation and hand netting can avoid disturbing sensitive species, allowing for accurate recording. This method is particularly effective for estimating the abundance and density of juvenile fish populations (e.g., individuals/cm²) in shallow and clear water areas, such as pools and stream edges. At least 2–3 pool areas should be surveyed to estimate juvenile fish density. A limitation of this method is potential species misidentification, especially for diverse groups like cyprinids. 2. Snorkeling Observation In clear water, snorkeling can be used to observe and record fish species directly. Beginners are encouraged to use underwater photography or videography for accuracy. This method is ideal for surveying deeper or faster-flowing waters, as well as nocturnal or bottom-dwelling species hidden in crevices. Surveys should cover at least one complete pool or riffle habitat, spanning a minimum length of 30 meters. A drawback of this method is reduced visibility and accuracy in turbid water. 3. Cast Netting Cast netting involves throwing a hand net into water bodies like lakes or along stream banks to collect samples. Nets with 3–5 mm mesh sizes and 12–15 feet in diameter are recommended. At least 10 throws should be conducted to estimate fish density (e.g., individuals/m²) or catch-per-unit effort (CPUE). This method requires regular maintenance and repair of the nets. Drift nets with larger mesh sizes may be used to remove invasive species but should be avoided for native fish to minimize harm. 4. Trapping (Fish Traps) Fish traps baited with attractants are used to collect small and medium-sized fish species in still or slow-moving waters. Bait should remain at least half intact during the trapping period, which should last for at least 2 hours. Fish populations are recorded as CPUE (individuals/per catch). This method is less effective for capturing larger fish. 5. Electrofishing Electrofishing creates an electric field to capture fish. Backpack electrofishers are commonly used in wadeable upstream segments, while larger systems may be applied in downstream rivers, lakes, or reservoirs. Direct current (DC) from batteries or alternating current (AC) from generators is used to produce an electric field. Fish passing through the field are temporarily stunned. Surveys should cover at least one complete pool and riffle habitat over a minimum length of 30 meters and last for at least 30 minutes. The fish density can be calculated based on time (individuals/per catch) or area (individuals/m²). This method requires trained personnel and safety precautions, including insulated clothing. At least one operator manages the electrofisher, while another assists with collecting stunned fish. 採集方式 1. 岸邊觀察及手抄網採集 在水質條件之較為清澈水體環境,可以採用岸邊直接觀察的方式,與直接利用手抄網作撈捕採集的方式,以避免敏感高的魚種,受到干擾而無法正確的調查記錄到。 建議本「岸邊觀察及手抄網採集」應適用於估計仔稚魚的群聚狀態,較為準確,並限制於水質清澈的水域中,特別在潭區淺水域與邊緣水體等。選定調查之水域之調查面積,至少要有2~3個潭區作觀察,可推算出仔稚魚出現總量與平均出現密度等(individuals/cm2)。 本方法缺點會對鯉科等高物種歧異度的類群,在直接觀察上,可能會造成魚種的誤判等問題。 2. 浮潛觀測法 可在水質條件較佳的清澈水體內,直接徒手浮潛觀察,以水下紀錄簿的方式記載,若是初學者應該要能夠使用水下攝影或錄影等記錄的方式,進行野外淡水魚類之調查及紀錄。以期能夠確保對於溪流淡水魚種野外鑑別的準確性。 建議本「浮潛觀測法」,可提供不易於岸邊採集或觀察到的較深或水流更急之水域,或是躲藏於石縫中隱蔽性或夜行性底棲魚種,以記錄更完整的中小型淡水魚類相之調查。在野外調查標準作業流程上,建議應至少涵蓋有一完整的潭區或瀨區棲地環境。至少要達到流幅的「30公尺」的範圍上較為客觀。 本方法的缺點,是若在〝水質條件不佳能見度較差〞的水域,則可能無法順利而準確的估算溪流魚類群聚量。 3. 網捕法(手投網) 手投網網捕法為在湖沼或溪岸邊的採捕方式,以徒手投擲手投網入潭中採集,以採集獲得不同水體的淡水魚類樣本。 建議本「手投網網捕法」,應選用3分或5分網目為宜,12尺至15尺較為適中。至少要投擲10網次以上,來估算單位河段內的魚類出現總量與密度(individuals/m2)或單位努力魚類捕獲量(individuals/per catch)。 缺點於使用過後,網具耗損度度大,常要保養與修補網具,甚至更換新的網具等。 另外,若是採用放置刺網的方式,但若非不得已,儘可能少用刺網,以期能減少本土魚類採集受傷及死亡的機會。但利用大型網目的流刺網,應該可用於移除水域內的外來魚種群聚。 4. 誘捕法(魚籠誘捕法) 在魚籠中,放入誘補之餌料,以吸引中小型魚類進入籠具中作採集,以觀測更加完整的湖泊、野塘或是其它的緩流與靜水域之淡水魚類相。 建議本「魚籠誘捕法」,應至少投放達到2小時以上,飼料應於投放誘餌期間,都仍可以保留1/2以上為原則,採獲魚類群聚總組成,可以單位時間魚類捕獲量(individuals/per catch)來呈現。 本方法缺點是對太大型的魚類個體,較不易以此方法做採集。 5. 電魚法 電魚法是以電力形成電場進行捕捉魚類,背負式電魚法多使用於溪流中上游之可涉水河段,在中下游河段、湖泊與水庫內。電力來源有來自於蓄電池的〝直流電〞與國外較常用之〝交流發電機〞之交流電兩種,採集時由蓄電池或發電機產生電流,經由變壓器,在兩極間產生電流迴路,形成感應電場,經過電場的魚類及受電擊而呈現昏迷之狀態。 建議本「電魚法」,採用電魚器具為於台灣常用的「背負式電魚器」,即可背負於使用者背部運動之電魚器具,包括變壓器線圈組、繼電簧片組、8V (或12V) 之蓄電池、與長 1.5 至 2 公尺之陰極與陽極之電極金屬棒與網圈。在河段中,通常由下游往上游以〝Z〞字型前進,來進行野外調查。 建議採樣區至少涵蓋有一完整的潭區與瀨區棲地環境。至少要達到流幅的「30公尺」的範圍以上較為客觀。電捕時間應達30 mins 以上為宜。進行淡水魚類採集時,可以固定河段長度作為採集範圍,採集時並記錄所使用之採集時間,可以計算出單位時間之魚類捕獲量(individuals/per catch)。或是以採樣範圍單位水域面積的魚類群聚出現密度(individuals/per m2)。 本方法缺點操作危險性,需相當熟悉電魚器具並穿著防電防水褲等裝備,除需一人操作電魚器,以間歇放電儘量降低對魚體之傷害,後方則至少需另一人協助或安全觀察,並且協助撈捕採集剛被電昏之魚隻。