For conservation of black-faced spoonbills (Platalea minor) and the avian community in Cigu, Tainan City, Taiwan, the Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association initiated the Long-Term Bird Census in Cigu (LTBCC) project in August 2004. The censuses were conducted twice a month in ten sites represented agricultural fields, tidal mudflats, windbreaks, fish ponds and abandoned salt pans, separately, in Cigu. The dataset for the 13 census years from August 2004 to July 2017 consists of 2,885 sampling events and 25,974 occurrence records. A total of 522,246 individuals in 54 families and 235 species were counted and identified. Passeriformes, included 26 families and 97 species, occupied the highest percentage of the number of species, followed by Charadriiformes, with eight families and 62 species. However, the Charadriiformes was the order with the highest accumulated number of individuals (329,227), followed by the Pelecaniformes (114,779). 台灣黑面琵鷺保育學會為保育黑面琵鷺(Platalea minor),自2004年8月起,於台南市七股區啟動「七股地區長期鳥類調查計畫(LTBCC)」,選擇當地農墾地、感潮灘地、防風林、魚塭及廢棄鹽田等5類代表性棲地的10處地點進行每月兩次之鳥類調查。本資料集內容涵蓋2004年8月至2017年7月,共計13調查年度之所有調查紀錄,共計觀察事件2,885筆、出現紀錄25,974筆,記錄鳥類54科235種522,246隻次。種類上以雀形目(Passeriformes)26科97種為最多,其次為鴴形目(Charadriiformes)8科62種;數量上以鴴形目329,227隻次為最多,其次為鵜形目(Pelecaniformes)114,779隻次。
Записи данных
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Как оформить ссылку
Исследователи должны дать ссылку на эту работу следующим образом:
Wu, S. (2018): Long-term Bird Census in Cigu 2004-2017. v1. Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association. Dataset/Samplingevent. http://ipt.taibif.tw/resource?r=ltccc_bfsa&v=1.0
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Публикующей организацией и владельцем прав на данную работу является Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association. Эта работа находится под лицензией Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0).
Регистрация в GBIF
Этот ресурс был зарегистрирован в GBIF, ему был присвоен следующий UUID: b6ca9b0b-b6eb-46c5-b623-cd479a71e566. Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association отвечает за публикацию этого ресурса, и зарегистрирован в GBIF как издатель данных при оподдержке Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility.
Ключевые слова
Sampling event; Cigu; Tainan; Taiwan; Long-term Bird Census project; wetland; tidal mudflat; agricultural field; fish pond; abandoned salt pan; windbreak 取樣事件; 七股; 台南; 台灣; 長期鳥類調查; 濕地; 感潮灘地; 農墾地; 魚塭; 廢棄鹽田; 防風林; Samplingevent
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Географический охват
台南市七股區範圍內。Cigu Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan
Ограничивающие координаты | Юг Запад [23,043, 120,031], Север Восток [23,193, 120,145] |
Таксономический охват
A total of 235 species from 54 families in 18 orders were recorded. Passeriformes, included 26 families and 97 species, occupied the highest percentage of the number of species, followed by Charadriiformes, with eight families and 62 species. 鳥類共計18目54科235種,其中以雀形目(Passeriformes)26科97種最多,其次為鴴形目(Charadriiformes)8科62種。
Class | Aves (Bird) |
Временной охват
Дата начала / Дата окончания | 2004-08-01 / 2017-07-22 |
Данные проекта
Although Taiwan is one of the major habitats in the EAAF for migratory birds, especially waterbirds, long-term bird population data and knowledge about population trends are lacking, except for certain flagship species such as the Black-faced spoonbill. Therefore, the members of Taiwan Black-faced Spoonbill Conservation Association voluntarily initiated the Long-Term Bird Census in Cigu (LTBCC) project in 2004. The aims of the LTBCC were to monitor the structure and composition of the avian community structure, as well as to build the population trends of the flagship and the common species to provide the necessary information for decision-making on the management of the Black-faced Spoonbill Refuge in Cigu District, Tainan City, Taiwan. 台灣黑面琵鷺保育學會對保育黑面琵鷺與七股這塊土地長期以來的努力,隨著「台南縣曾文溪口野生動物重要棲息環境」及「台南縣曾文溪口北岸黑面琵鷺動物保護區」於2002年底相繼於台南七股設立,總算有了一個具體的成果。然而,保護區的設立並不是保育工作的結束,反而是另一個開始。設立保護區後,保育目標應當從對於黑面琵鷺這樣一個單一旗艦物種(flagship species)的保護,轉換為對一整個完整生態系統的保育與經營管理。再者,僅管保護區成功設立,但地方政府卻同時在七股另一塊區域進行一項大規模的計劃,欲把鹽田淨土和豐饒潟湖開發成為國際機場,保育工作沒有片刻的休息。為此,台灣黑面琵鷺保育學會在沒有任何經費支援下,於2004年8月起動了「七股地區長期鳥類調查計畫」,一方面針對保護區範圍內的鳥類群聚,規劃一個長期的監測計畫,瞭解各項經營管理措施是否有助於鳥類群聚的發展;另一方面,也對保護範圍外的其他區域,嘗試建立鳥類資源基礎資料,以提供將來進行各項發展規劃的參考。希望長期所累積的成果,能提供給保護區經營、棲地管理與推廣旅遊、遊憩,以及規劃大型開發案等之參考依據,並為地方長期性的鳥類基礎資料建立奉獻一份心力。
Название | 七股地區長期鳥類調查計畫 Long-Term Bird Census in Cigu |
Идентификатор | BFSA:LTBCC |
Финансирование | None 無,由志工義務執行。 |
Описание района исследования | Five habitat types, namely, tidal mudflats, agricultural fields, fish ponds, abandoned salt pans, and windbreaks, in Cigu District, Tainan City, Taiwan. 台南市七股區,涵蓋農墾地、感潮灘地、防風林、魚塭及廢棄鹽田等5類代表性棲地的10處地點。 |
Описание плана выполнения исследований | Volunteer implementation of a long-term bird census project involving certain sites, periods, and methods, to establish baseline data of the avian community in various major bird habitats in Cigu. 設定調查樣區進行定時定點的長期鳥類調查,以建立不同代表性棲地的長期鳥類群聚資料為目的。 |
Исполнители проекта:
Методы сбора
Ten sites representing five habitat types were selected with the aim of collecting avian community data in Cigu. Since the winter migratory birds were the main monitoring target group of LTBCC, the study period was from August to July of the following year. In each survey, all of the sites were investigated by a team of volunteers led by a senior observer during the daytime. The survey frequency for each site was generally twice a month, except in August 2004 (four times) and September and October 2004 (three times each). Several surveys were not conducted because of weather conditions or other reasons. 各調查樣點以每個月兩次調查為原則。 L0採全計數(Total Count),調查時間約20至30分鐘; M1採全計數(Total Count),調查時間約60分鐘; M2採全計數(Total Count),調查時間約20分鐘; J2、J2A、J2B採穿越線(Line Transect),調查長度約150公尺,調查時間約30分鐘; J3採穿越線(Line Transect),調查長度約450公尺,調查時間約30分鐘; J3A採穿越線(Line Transect),調查長度約300公尺,調查時間約30分鐘; E1、E2採全計數(Total Count)同步進行,調查時間約介於30至90分鐘; E3採穿越線(Line Transect),調查長度約150公尺,調查時間約30分鐘; D1、D1A、D2、D2A均採全計數(Total Count),調查時間約30分鐘。
Охват исследования | Seven sites in four major habitat types in Cigu were selected at the beginning of the project in August, 2004. Three sites (L0 agricultural field, E2 fish pond, E3 windbreak habitat) with one more habitat type were added in August 2005. L0:Agricultural Field. The main crop is Shallot (Allium ascalonicum). Survey Method: Total Count. Started from August 2005. Coordinate(WGS84): 23.0903°N, 120.1064°E. M1:Tidal Mudflat. At the northern part of Black-faced spoonbill Refuge, surrounded by embankments but water can flow in and out through the water gates. Survey Method: Total Count. Started from August 2004. Coordinate(WGS84): 23.0754°N, 120.0487°E. M2:Tidal Mudflat. At the southern part of Black-faced spoonbill Refuge, the elevation is slightly higher than M1. Survey Method: Total Count. Started from August 2004. Coordinate(WGS84): 23.068°N, 120.0513°E. J2:Windbreak. The area was becoming smaller because of numbers of extreme weather occurred in these years, the position of line transect was moving south twice (J2A & J2B), only several trees left until July 2017. Survey Method: Line Transect. Started from August 2004. Coordinate(WGS84): J2:23.0856°N, 120.0366°E; J2A:23.0817°N, 120.0367°E; J2B:23.0803°N, 120.0371°E. J3:Windbreak. The area was becoming smaller in the same reason of J2. The length of line transect was shortened by 150m after August 2017. Survey Method: Line Transect. Started from August 2004. Coordinate(WGS84): 23.077°N, 120.037°E. E1:Fish Pond. Survey Method: Total Count. Started from August 2004. Coordinate(WGS84): 23.0755°N, 120.067°E. E2:Fish Pond. Survey Method: Total Count. Started from August 2005. Coordinate(WGS84): 23.0753°N, 120.069°E. E3:Windbreak. Survey Method: Line Transect. Started from August 2011. Coordinate(WGS84): 23.0716°N, 120.0657°E. D1:Abandoned Salt Pan. Because of the small population of birds, the site was scaled up to twice of area from August 2011(D1A). Survey Method: Total Count. Started from August 2004. Coordinate(WGS84): D1:23.1709°N, 120.1148°E; D1A:23.1735°N, 120.1148°E. D2:Abandoned Salt Pan. Because of the small population of birds, the site was scaled up to twice of area from August 2011(D2A). Survey Method: Total Count. Started from August 2004. Coordinate(WGS84): D2:23.1706°N, 120.1108°E; D2A:23.1735°N, 120.1108°E. 本計畫於2004年執行之初選擇灘地、魚塭、防風林、廢棄鹽灘及海面等5類七股主要棲地類型為調查樣區選擇依據,並於執行過程中刪除海面樣區(J1)另增加農墾地樣區(L0),各樣區資料如表2,位置如圖1。 L0:為農墾地,以種植紅蔥頭為主,自2005年8月調查迄今,面積2.6公頃,WGS84座標(23.0903,120.1064); M1:於七股黑面琵鷺保護區內北側,由堤防圍繞並以水門與外界交換水體之感潮灘地,自2004年8月調查迄今,面積98公頃,WGS84座標(23.0754,120.0487); M2:於七股黑面琵鷺保護區內南側,環境同M1但地勢較高,自2004年8月調查迄今,面積83公頃,WGS84座標(23.068,120.0513); J2:為濱岸防風林,自2004年8月調查迄今,WGS84座標(23.0856,120.0366),因經歷多次風災雨患而縮小,調查點亦隨之往南調整至J2A(23.0817,120.0367)及J2B(23.0803,120.0371),目前樹林僅剩殘樹數棵。 J3及J3A:亦為濱岸防風林,於J2樣區南側,自2004年8月調查迄今,WGS84座標(23.077,120.037),因經歷多次風災雨患而縮小,2017年8月後樣線縮短為300公尺(J3A),2018年8月樣區內之樹林已完全消失; E1:為魚塭,自2004年8月調查迄今,面積12公頃,WGS84座標(23.0755,120.067); E2:為魚塭,自2005年8月調查迄今,位於E1樣區東側,面積6公頃,WGS84座標(23.0753,120.069); E3:為防風林,自2011年8月調查迄今,WGS84座標(23.0716,120.0657); D1:為廢棄鹽灘,自2004年8月調查迄今,面積20公頃,WGS84座標(23.1709,120.1148),因區域鳥類數量少,於是擴大一倍之調查範圍為D1A,面積40公頃,WGS84座標(23.1735,120.1148); D2:為廢棄鹽灘,自2004年8月調查迄今,面積20公頃,WGS84座標(23.1706,120.1108),因區域鳥類數量少,於是擴大一倍之調查範圍為D2A,面積40公頃,WGS84座標(23.1735,120.1108)。 |
Контроль качества | The sampling effort equaled the number of observers times the total amount of time surveyed. For example, the sampling effort would be forty observer minutes when a survey was conducted by four observers in ten minutes. The people conducting the surveys, the number of participants, and the observational equipment varied in each survey, thus possibly resulting in quality differences. When each survey was completed, the results were sent to the secretary, who compiled the data in a digital file and then returned it to the survey team leader for verification. 努力量是以實際調查時間乘以實際調查人數而得。調查人員由志工擔任,每次調查人力及設備不一,可能影響調查結果。調查結果於當日調查結束後交由負責人員登打為電子檔,並寄送給參與志工進行資料確認。 |
Описание этапа методики:
- The survey methods and periods for each site are listed in Table 2. One or more volunteers used pairs of 8–12x binoculars and/or 32–60x monoculars to detect birds in the selected survey sites during a particular period. The start and finish times, weather conditions, and water coverage (ratio of the area covered by water, classified as five levels from 0/4 to 4/4) were recorded for each survey event. Each species of bird sighted or heard was recorded, with species, number, and type of movement (flyover or rest in the survey site) noted. 調查志工於現場以8~12倍雙筒望遠鏡及32~60倍單筒望遠鏡進行觀察,紀錄出現之鳥種、數量、行為(分為棲息與飛越等2類)、天氣、水域覆蓋比例(分為0/4、1/4、2/4、3/4、4/4等5類)。
Дополнительные метаданные
Альтернативные идентификаторы | b6ca9b0b-b6eb-46c5-b623-cd479a71e566 |
http://ipt.taibif.tw/resource?r=ltccc_bfsa |