A dataset of distribution of the Geothelphusa (Decapoda: Potamidae) with their environmental parameters and stream indicators in eastern and southern Taiwan

Evento de amostragem
Versão mais recente published by Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute on fev. 6, 2023 Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute
Publication date:
6 de fevereiro de 2023
CC-BY 4.0

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This dataset includes data of the freshwater crab genus Geothelphusa (Decapoda: Potamidae), their environmental parameters and stream indicators in eastern and southern Taiwan. This dataset is the result of 146 surveys (sampling events) of freshwater crab species and stream environment from 2013 to 2015 in 42 sampling sites throughout Taiwan, and a total of 12 species and 1,006 crabs of the Geothelphusa were recorded. The crab data include ‎existence or not, carapace width, carapace length, wet weight and sex. The stream environmental data include water temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and three indicators (River Pollution Index, RPI; Water Quality Index 7, WQI7; citizen Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index, cQHEI).

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Como citar

Pesquisadores deveriam citar esta obra da seguinte maneira:

Huang C, Yang C (2023): A dataset of distribution of the Geothelphusa (Decapoda: Potamidae) with their environmental parameters and stream indicators in eastern and southern Taiwan. v1.6. Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute. Dataset/Samplingevent. https://ipt.taibif.tw/resource?r=crab-indicator&v=1.6


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O editor e o detentor dos direitos deste trabalho é Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

Este recurso foi registrado no GBIF e atribuído ao seguinte GBIF UUID: 0528b82f-bebb-49b0-ad2e-5082ae002823.  Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute publica este recurso, e está registrado no GBIF como um publicador de dados aprovado por Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility.


Samplingevent Occurrence


ChihNan Huang
  • Provedor Dos Metadados
  • Originador
  • Usuário
  • Ponto De Contato
Assistant Research Fellow
Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
ChengHsiung Yang
  • Originador
  • Ponto De Contato
Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute

Cobertura Geográfica

There were 42 study sites ranging from 120.601295 to 121.6641944 and 21.95916 to 24.75119444.

Coordenadas delimitadoras Sul Oeste [21,959, 120,601], Norte Leste [24,751, 121,664]

Cobertura Taxonômica

All the crabs were identified and recorded to species, but a few individuals labelled as "Uncertain" were too small to identify. There were 12 species and 1,006 crabs of the Geothelphusa recorded.

Gênero Geothelphusa (澤蟹)
Espécie Geothelphusa albogilva (黃灰澤蟹), Geothelphusa bicolor (雙色澤蟹), Geothelphusa caesia (藍灰澤蟹), Geothelphusa cinerea (灰甲澤蟹), Geothelphusa ferruginea (銹色澤蟹), Geothelphusa ilan (宜蘭澤蟹), Geothelphusa lili (力里澤蟹), Geothelphusa olea (黃綠澤蟹), Geothelphusa pingtung (屏東澤蟹), Geothelphusa shernshan (神山澤蟹), Geothelphusa tawu (大武澤蟹), Geothelphusa tsayae (蔡氏澤蟹)

Cobertura Temporal

Data Inicial / Data final 2013-06-14 / 2015-06-11

Dados Sobre o Projeto

Nenhuma descrição disponível

Título Constructing monitoring system for the freshwater ecosystem – The study on indicator species of the Geothelphusa
Financiamento Endemic Species Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, Taiwan
Descrição da Área de Estudo Twenty-two sites (52.4%) have been monitored from 2011 located in southern Taiwan, and the other 20 sites are located in the eastern Taiwan.

O pessoal envolvido no projeto:

ChihNan Huang

Métodos de Amostragem

Crab investigation A complete search of 50 meters along the stream was conducted at each site. Then, six traps baited with dry pet food (Fig. 2) were set overnight (Chen et al. 2003) to collect the Geothelphusa crabs. After identifying species and measuring the traits of carapace breadth, carapace length, wet weight and sex, the captured crabs were released to their native habitats except for those with doubt in species identification needed for confirmation in the laboratory. Environmental parameters investigation The water temperature, pH value, dissolved oxygen and conductivity of the sampling sites were measured by a water quality meter (Horiba U-53) in situ. The water samples used to measure the values of BOD5, NH3-N, SS, FC and TP were preserved below 4 degree Celsius and analyzed in the laboratory within seven days from collection. In addition, the score table of cQHEI was also recorded in situ. The data of BOD5, NH3-N, SS, FC and TP were used to calculate two water quality indicators: River Pollution Index (Liou et al. 2004) and Water Quality Index 7 (Wen 2006). The data of the score table of cQHEI were used to calculate the other environmental indicator: the citizen Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (Hoosier Riverwatch 2019).

Área de Estudo The freshwater crabs appear in almost all clean freshwater bodies, from moist lowland forests to rugged mountains (Cumberlidge et al. 2009). There are 57 recognized Geothelphusa species, with 39 species in Taiwan (Shy et al. 2021). Over twenty Taiwanese Geothelphusa species live in stream ecosystems below 500 m above sea level (Shy and Lee 2009). In this paper, the 42 sampling sites in Taiwan (Fig. 1) are all natural habitats of streams with an elevation distribution of 2-998 m, and 33 sites (78.6%) are below 500 m altitude. The data of the 22 monitoring sites were collected quarterly from the summer of 2013 to the summer of 2015, but some surveys were abandoned due to a lack of water-related data for the drought. The other 20 sites were surveyed only once in the summer and fall of 2014.

Descrição dos passos do método:

  1. The water sampling and the seven parameters required to calculate two water quality indicators, River Pollution Index and Water Quality Index, including pH value, dissolved oxygen (DO), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), suspended solids (SS), fecal coliform (FC) and total phosphorus (TP), were operated following the protocols published by Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration in 2013.

Metadados Adicionais

Identificadores alternativos 0528b82f-bebb-49b0-ad2e-5082ae002823