本案透過辦理工作坊與宣導講座,管理維運臺灣兩棲類保育網( http://tad.froghome.org/ ),輔導培訓兩棲類保育志工團隊進行兩棲類監測與調查,並定期回傳到兩棲類資源調查資料庫。本資料集包含102-105年間兩棲類資源調查資料庫建置成果。 The Project has held educational workshops, managed the website “Taiwan Amphibian Conservation”, and helped volunteers conduct amphibious surveys as well as upload their field data to the database of amphibian resources. This dataset includes the results from 2013 to 2016.
102年度目標為辦理工作坊與宣導講座,管理臺灣兩棲類保育網,輔導兩棲類保育志工團隊進行兩棲類監測與調查,並定期回傳到兩棲類資源調查資料庫;全部如期完成,成效良好。計畫重要成果包含(一)2013年12月統計,台灣兩棲類保育網會員人數共計3,193人,志工人數共計417人,兩棲類資源調查資料庫累積有效資料共113,173筆;(二)與屏東林區管理處及雙流自然教育中心合作完成一場兩棲類資源調查社區推廣教育宣導工作坊,共69人參加;(三)由6隊志工團隊辦理六場蛙類社區宣導講座,總計497人次參加;(四)本年度有47個志工團隊參與調查,調查範圍涵蓋了18個縣市、1,167個樣區,上傳18,766筆調查資料,公布在臺灣兩棲類保育網供民眾下載瀏覽;(五)臺灣兩棲類保育網根據志工建議及調查表異動進行調查資料及樣區管理的介面更新,志工權限亦依現有志工團隊運作模式更新;(六)辦理兩棲保育志工大會,本年度志工大會共有156位專家顧問及志工參與,於大會上進行兩棲類調查年度報告、志工心得分享與表揚、進行新版調查表說明及公布明年度保育目標。 The aims of 2013 were to hold educational workshops, manage the website “Taiwan Amphibian Conservation”, and help volunteers conduct amphibious surveys as well as upload their field data to the database of amphibian resources. All of above were done as scheduled and resulted in good effect. The main achievements are as follows: 1) According to the statistics of December 2013, the numbers of online members in Taiwan Amphibian Conservation and volunteers were respectively a total of 3193 and 417, and 113,173 pieces of data were accumulated in the database of amphibian resources . 2) A survey-training workshop was held with the cooperation of Pingtung Forest District Office and Shuangliou Nature Center, and 69 people participated in. 3) Six community workshops on amphibian conservation were held by five volunteer teams, and there were 467 participants. 4) This year, 47 volunteer teams were involved in conducting surveys in 1,167 sites among 18 cities/counties, and 8766 pieces of data were posted on the website for the public to download. 5) With the suggestions of volunteers and the changes of survey forms, Taiwan Amphibian Conservation Website was renovated on its data and management interface, and the volunteer limits of authority was updated too. 6) Amphibian volunteer conference was held with 156 counselors and volunteers attending. On the meeting, yearly results of amphibian surveys were presented, volunteer teams shared their experiences and were commended for their efforts, and a small-scale fair was held to offer the chances for volunteers to socialize with one another and share their teaching methods.
103年度目標為辦理工作坊與宣導講座,管理臺灣兩棲類保育網,輔導兩棲類保育志工團隊進行兩棲類監測與調查,並定期回傳到兩棲類資源調查資料庫;全部如期完成,成效良好。計畫重要成果包含(一)2014年12月統計,台灣兩棲類保育網會員人數共計2,997人,志工人數共計570人,兩棲類資源調查資料庫累積有效資料共140,183筆;(二)於臺灣大學生物資源暨農學院附設山地實驗農場梅峰農場辦理兩棲類保育增能工作坊,共68人參加;(三)由9個志工團隊自主辦理了9場推廣活動,總計462人次參加;(四)本年度47個志工團隊參與調查,調查範圍涵蓋17個縣市、1,207個樣區,上傳19,543筆兩棲類調查資料,公布在臺灣兩棲類保育網供民眾下載瀏覽;(五)臺灣兩棲類保育網根據志工建議及調查表異動進行調查資料、樣區管理及棲地記錄的介面更新,並進行網站會員身份分析;(六)辦理兩棲保育志工大會,本年度志工大會共有145位專家顧問及志工參與,於大會上進行兩棲類調查年度報告、志工心得分享與表揚、進行兩棲類調查問題諮詢服務及公布明年度保育目標。 The aims of 2014 were to hold educational workshops, manage the website “Taiwan Amphibian Conservation”, and help volunteers conduct amphibian surveys as well as upload their field data to the database of amphibian resources. All of the above were done as scheduled and resulted in good effect. The main achievements are as follows: 1) According to the statistics of December 2014, the numbers of online members in Taiwan Amphibian Conservation and volunteers were respectively a total of 2997 and 570, and 140183 pieces of data were accumulated in the database of amphibian resources. 2) A survey-training workshop was held in Highland Experimental Farm of NTU and 68 people participated in. 3) There were nine community workshops on amphibian conservation being held by nine volunteer teams with a total of 462 participants. 4) This year, 47 volunteer teams were involved in conducting surveys in 1207 sites among 17 cities/counties, and 19543 pieces of data were post on the website for the public to download. 5) With the suggestions of volunteers and the changes of survey forms, Taiwan Amphibian Conservation Website was renovated on its data and management interface, and the online volunteers’ identification was analyzed too.6) Amphibian volunteer conference was held with 145 counselors and volunteers attending. On the meeting, yearly results of amphibian surveys were presented, volunteer team members shared their experiences and were commended for their efforts, questions about amphibian surveys were submitted and answered, and the goal of next year was announced.
104年度目標為辦理工作坊、兩棲保育志工培訓、管理臺灣兩棲類保育網,輔導兩棲類保育志工團隊進行兩棲類監測與調查,並定期回傳到兩棲類資源調查資料庫以及兩棲保育志工年度大會;全部如期完成,成效良好。計畫重要成果包含(一)2015年12月統計,台灣兩棲類保育網會員人數共計3,927人,志工人數共計637人,兩棲類資源調查資料庫累積有效資料共167,439筆;(二)於苗栗地區18鄉鎮劃設30個樣區,以蛙調比賽形式辦理兩棲類保育增能工作坊,並進行蛙類調查,共88人參加,調查到1,721隻18蛙種;(三)辦理兩棲類保育志工培訓課程,上課學員人數基礎班共98人、進階班共65人,總計163人;(四)本年度有55個志工團隊參與調查,調查範圍涵蓋18個縣市、653個樣區,上傳22,502筆兩棲類調查資料,調查成果公布在臺灣兩棲類保育網供民眾下載瀏覽;(五)臺灣兩棲類保育網網站維護與更新;(六)於宜蘭三富農場辦理兩棲類保育志工大會,共有142位含專家顧問及志工參與,於大會上進行兩棲類調查年度報告、志工心得分享與表揚、各團隊志工資訊交流及公布明年度保育目標,並首度辦理愛蛙路跑活動,以宣達愛蛙護蛙理念。 The aims of 2015 were to conduct educational workshops and amphibian volunteer’s training, manage the website “Taiwan Amphibian Conservation”, help volunteers conduct amphibian surveys as well as upload their field data to the database of amphibian resources, and hold an annual Amphibian volunteer conference. All of the above were done as scheduled and resulted in good effect. The main achievements are as follows: 1) At the end of December 2015, the numbers of online members in Taiwan Amphibian Conservation and volunteers were respectively 3,927 (216 people joined this year) and 637, and 167,439 useful pieces of data were accumulated in the database of amphibian resources. 2) We set up 30 sampling sites at 18 townships in Miaoli County to do surveys via competition, and 88 people participated with a total of 1721 frogs belonging to 18 species being recorded. 3) A training workshop was held, and there were 98 volunteers attending the basic class, 65 in the advanced one. 4) There were 55 volunteer teams involving in doing surveys at 653 sites in18 cities/counties, and 22,502 pieces of data were posted on the website for the public to download. 5) Taiwan Amphibian Conservation Website was renovated and maintained constantly. 6) The amphibian volunteer conference was held in San-fu Leisure Farm (Ilan) with 142 counselors and volunteers attending. On the meeting, yearly results of amphibian surveys were presented, volunteer team members shared their experiences and were commended for their efforts, and the goal of next year was announced. We held “Run For Frog” for the first time to promote the idea of protecting frogs.
105年度目標為辦理工作坊、兩棲保育志工培訓、管理臺灣兩棲類保育網,輔導兩棲類保育志工團隊進行兩棲類監測與調查,並定期回傳到兩棲類資源調查資料庫以及兩棲保育志工年度大會均如期完成。計畫重要成果包含(一)2016年12月統計,台灣兩棲類保育網會員人數共計3,433人,志工人數共計780人,兩棲類資源調查資料庫累積有效資料共200,183筆;(二)辦理兩場次之增能工作坊第一場次於新北市金山清水濕地及八煙聚落辦理棲地保育參訪活動,共52人參加;第二場次以蛙調比賽形式於台南市37行政區所劃設之27個樣區辦理,並針對台北赤蛙及諸羅樹蛙85樣區進行複查,共105人參加,調查到1,504隻22蛙種;(三)辦理兩棲類保育志工社區種子講師培訓課程,上課學員人數數位課程共79人、實體課程共40人;(四)本年度有61個志工團隊參與調查,調查範圍涵蓋22個縣市、1,199個樣區,上傳33,860筆兩棲類調查資料,調查成果公布在臺灣兩棲類保育網供民眾下載瀏覽;(五)臺灣兩棲類保育網網站維護與更新;(六)於南投特有生物研究保育中心辦理兩棲類保育志工大會,共有160位含專家顧問及志工參與,於大會上進行兩棲類調查年度報告、志工心得分享與表揚、各團隊志工資訊交流及公布明年度保育目標,並前往桃米社區進行棲地保育參訪活動,與在地農民共同交流,了解生態與生活共存的法寶。 The aims of 2016 were to conduct educational workshops and amphibian volunteer’s training, manage the website “Taiwan Amphibian Conservation”, help volunteers do amphibian surveys as well as upload their field data to the database of amphibian resources, and hold annual Amphibian volunteer conference. All of the above were done as scheduled. The main achievements are as follows: 1) At the end of December 2016, the numbers of online members in Taiwan Amphibian Conservation and volunteers were respectively 3,433 and 780, and 200,183 useful pieces of data were accumulated in the database of amphibian resources. 2) Two workshops were held, one was at Jinshan Qingshui Wetland and Bayien Village in New Taipei City, for 52 participants to take a close look at the habitat conservation efforts the communities made. The other was held frog race for participants to do surveys at 27 sample areas in Tainai City, and at the same time to double check the 85 sample sites of Hylarana taipehensis and Rhacophorus arvalis; one hundred and five people were involved and 1,504 frogs belonging to 22 species were surveyed. 3) We implemented a community seeded teacher training workshop for amphibian conversation volunteers; 79 people attended online courses, and 40 people joined classroom courses. 4) There were 61 volunteer teams involving in doing surveys at 1,199 sites in 22 cities/counties, and 33,860 pieces of data were posted on the website for the public to download. 5) Taiwan Amphibian Conservation Website was renovated and maintained constantly. 6) The amphibian volunteer conference was held at Endemic Species Research Institute in Nantou with 160 counselors and volunteers attending. At the meeting, yearly results of amphibian surveys were presented, volunteers shared their experiences and were commended for their efforts, and the goals of next year were announced. After the meeting, all the attendants paid a visit to Taomi Village to see their conservation achievements and interact with local farmers to learn more about the ways to live ecofriendly.
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, (2017): 臺灣兩棲類資源調查與教育宣導推廣計畫 Resources survey and education advocacy to promote for Taiwan amphibian resources. v1.3. Taiwan Forestry Bureau. Dataset/Occurrence. http://ipt.taibif.tw/resource?r=a10200602&v=1.3
此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA)。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.
此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: 2de58bfe-1bf1-4318-97a3-d97efc269a4f。 Forestry and Nature Conservation Agency (FANCA) 發佈此資源,並經由Taiwan Biodiversity Information Facility同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
Occurrence; Observation; 兩棲類保育志工; amphibian conservation volunteer; 兩棲類資源調查; amphibian resource survey; 教育宣導講座; educational workshop
- 出處
- 連絡人
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [21.5, 119.625], 緯度北界 經度東界 [25.75, 122.375] |
Family | Bufonidae (蟾蜍科), Dicroglossidae (叉舌蛙科), Hylidae (樹蟾科), Microhylidae (狹口蛙科), Ranidae (赤蛙科), Rhacophoridae (樹蛙科) |
起始日期 / 結束日期 | 2013-01-01 / 2016-12-31 |
研究範圍 | 2013/1/1-2016/12/31 |
- 1.目視遇測法:沿穿越線或定點進行調查,目視尋找出現的蛙類。使用儀器:手電筒。 2.鳴叫計數法:沿穿越線或定點調查,紀錄聽到的蛙類鳴叫聲。 調查時間為日落後半小時至半夜12時。 設定500m穿越線或定點。 (註:樣區的地點為志工自行選定,在到達新樣區調查時,會先劃設一條 500m 的穿越線,並於穿越線中心記錄一個WGS84經緯度座標,此座標即為新樣區的固定座標,之後再到同樣區調查時皆使用這個座標,不需重覆標定。由於兩棲類鳴叫聲音傳播距離約500m,因此樣區周邊 500m 的環域皆為調查的範圍。)
替代的識別碼 | 2de58bfe-1bf1-4318-97a3-d97efc269a4f |
http://ipt.taibif.tw/resource?r=a10200602 |